5 Steps to Building Depression Awareness

5 Steps to Building Depression Awareness

An estimated 322 million people worldwide live with depression, including more than 40 million Americans, and up to 56% do not seek treatment. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24, and overdoses are the number one cause...
Mental Health Resources During Holiday Season

Mental Health Resources During Holiday Season

For anyone struggling with difficult emotions this holiday season, it is brave to reach out for help. ACI Specialty Benefits has compiled a list of resources available to support anyone dealing with loneliness, depression, isolation, anxiety, substance abuse and other...

Finding Gratitude in 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has wreaked havoc on our world, our country, our communities and ourselves. So far countless people have lost their lives and millions have lost their jobs and cannot pay their rent, mortgage or other bills. There’s no sugar coating it: Many of us...

Your EAP Can Help You Transition After COVID-19

Across the globe, governments are wrestling with the need to balance public health concerns with the urgent need to rebuild the economy. In the U.S., some states have loosened their restrictions on business operations and social distancing. This has led to more...