Reiterate Wellness Themes for Lasting Impact

September 16, 2024

By Stephanie Patek, Director of Wellness, AllOne Health  

Our Registered Dietitians inform us that it can take multiple times of trying a new food before that food is acceptable to the palette. We hear from our Nicotine Cessation Coaches that a person may try to quit smoking a dozen times, before that person is able to quit. Thus, covering a wellness topic just once, then pocketing it for another year, may lack in long-term impact. It’s time we push a topic a little longer and a little more thoroughly, to drive results.  

The concept of reiteration is simple – say something a number of times, in order to gain clarity or emphasize something. Reiteration and repetition go hand-in-hand. According to an article by ACAC Fitness & Wellness, in the field of exercise and fitness, repetition may seem boring but it especially benefits the body and mind. Performing an exercise repeatedly helps you master the moves, just like reading a text more than once helps you to memorize the materials. Repetition helps you to identify when your mind and body are making or lacking connection.  

Constant repetition is essential to be an expert in any given situation. Repetition helps us succeed, while also learning from our mistakes. This involves the process of trying, failing, reflecting, and trying again. It’s through repetition where we have multiple chances to refine our approach and make necessary improvements. This is a key concept of practice, which involves a highly focused and structured approach to developing a specific skill.  

To ensure that concepts “connect,” we seek to provide education that is repetitive, but builds in new concepts and practices. Simplicity is key when a person is learning new wellness behaviors. And covering something once, just isn’t enough. To do this, we work in sets of three. Similar to a popular weight-lifting concept, sets of three allow growth and practice, leading to strength. Knowledge that comes in sets of three can accomplish something similar.  

For example, when we educate in sets of three, we structure the information in three related messages per quarter. Take the holidays – first we discuss financial wellness over the holidays, then human connection over the holidays, and finally healthy eating over the holidays. With the holiday focus at the center and the surrounding theme circling the overarching goal, we combine financial, emotional and physical concepts for a well-rounded healthy holiday.  

For movement, three sets that include moving more often, lifting weights and actively aging all touch on the main theme of moving. In the end, by providing “reps” within the set, exposure to the topic comes from reading material, viewing material, and seeing the tips come to fruition in practice.  

Adopt the practice of repetition and apply what is learned, for a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle. Bring these concepts into the place where you work, and you will reap the benefits of a healthier work environment.  

If you are interested in learning more about our quarterly wellness modules, in order to bring simple, timed and educational information to your workforce, contact us to learn more