Our Top Takeaways from the SHRM24 Conference

July 01, 2024

What a week at #SHRM24! The sessions were full of dynamic talks about how today’s business environment is on the cusp of incredible and unprecedented change.  

While we always walk away inspired about the future of work and benefits, we were especially invigorated by the conversations we had in person.  

We asked our visitors for input on two important topics—and they provided their answers on Post-In notes. 

Here are our top takeaway messages:  

1. What inspires people most about the future of work? 

By far, the top answer we received was AI. Visitors said they look forward to using artificial intelligence to strengthen employee relations, improve recruiting, and increase productivity. People were also inspired to create healthier work environments and break more glass ceilings. 

2. If people could wave a magic wand to fix any work-related concern, what would it be? 

The dominant answer was to improve work culture. Our visitors recommended various strategies, such as becoming more accepting, inclusive, engaging, and energetic. They would also like to see greater pay equity, flex work, and work-life balance.  

The conference leaves us feeling reinvigorated about the future of work. We’re excited to partner with new organizations and leaders in making mental health benefits more accessible, improving work cultures, and helping organizations and people find the support they need to unleash their full potential. 

To learn more about AllOne Health and our solutions, contact us.