Remote Work: Making a Good Option Even Better

August 28, 2019

Remote work is quickly becoming the norm in today’s workforce.

More frequently, job seekers are looking for companies that offer this option—even part time—and for good reason. Working remotely has proven benefits not only for employees but also for employers.

Employees can skip the dreaded commute, traffic jams and often costly parking fees. They can also enjoy greater flexibility and work in a relaxed yet productive environment. Meanwhile, companies can choose from a larger pool of candidates since they’re not limited to those who live nearby. Employers also report reduced office costs and skyrocketing employee retention.

While more companies are adopting this option, remote work is not without its challenges. Many remote employees say they often feel disconnected from their teams and coworkers. Team leaders say building teams can be difficult even when all members are present. These difficulties become magnified when more employees do most of their communicating via phone and email.

However, team leaders can take steps to make remote workers feel more connected, appreciated and valued. Here are a few strategies to consider:

Provide daily emails updating staff on workflow. From stats and numbers to who is responsible for what projects, open and transparent communication keeps all team members on the same page, whether they’re in the office or remote. It’s also nice for remote employees to hear how things are going in the office.

Offer recognition for a job well done. Despite extensive studies proving otherwise, it’s a big misconception that people working remotely are not as productive as those who work strictly in the office. As such, it’s easy to overlook their hard work and good performance. To overcome this, give remote workers a shout-out for their hard work in daily emails or meetings. This can go a long way in making them feel like they’re an important part of the team.

Pick up the phone. Although we are in a digital age, there is nothing as straightforward as a phone call. If you’re communicating with coworkers via email and it seems that things are getting lost in translation, simply give them a call. This prevents misunderstandings and fosters good relationships.

Make sure their voices are heard. When it comes to policies, meetings or group discussions, remote workers often feel they’re overlooked or an afterthought. However, they work the same jobs as their teammates and have similar if not more complicated issues when working remotely. Their input can be just as critical to improving a company’s innovation.

As the modern workforce continues to expand, we can expect an increase in remote work. When employees can enjoy a better work-life balance, they become happier and more positive. When companies work to improve communication and set clear goals, they can accomplish anything with their remote workforce.