Well-Being Spotlight with Kirk Allen

February 17, 2023

Kirk Allen is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Sloan Valve Company. He shares his thoughts on the different dimensions of well-being and the importance of finding ways to support Sloan employees’ diverse needs and interests. 

Q: What does well-being look like for your employees, teams, and the organization as a whole?  

A: We are committed to providing resources and tools to foster each dimension of well-being for our employees and their family members. At Sloan Valve, we value each of our employees and know that their health and well-being are top priorities. We believe well-being is composed of seven dimensions, including: 

  • Physical – Supporting your physical body, its health, and safety. 
  • Environmental – How you interact with your environment, how you understand it, and how it impacts you. 
  • Spiritual – Finding purpose and meaning in life. 
  • Social – All about the quality of your relationships and how you interact with others; family, friends, colleagues, or strangers. 
  • Financial/Occupational – Finding fulfillment in your work and financial stability and how these both impact you. 
  • Intellectual – Recognizing your own creative and stimulating mental activities. 
  • Emotional – All about your feelings and emotions. 

All of these dimensions have a significant impact on living a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle. We provide resources and tools to support our employees and their family members in each of the dimensions of well-being. 

Q: What have you put in place to boost employee wellness and well-being?   

A: In 2021, we launched formal well-being challenges and a well-being resource guide. We hosted seven well-being challenges throughout the year covering a variety of topics, from finance, to sleep and mental health. 

The well-being resource guide introduces people to the different dimensions of well-being and the resources available to them. We reinforced the well-being guide by increasing our communications and providing unique training from our team and our partners. The combined effort led to an increase in engagement with our full well-being offering. 

Q: How do you practice self-care?  

A: I try to get as much sleep as possible. I meditate regularly and read constantly.