Recognizing and Empowering Our Family Caregivers 

November 05, 2024
Family Caregiver

According to Mental Health America, there are 60 million Americans who are providing unpaid care to a loved one with a physical or mental illness. 

The nature of caregiving focuses on being concerned with the health and well-being of others. However, it shouldn’t come at the expense of self-care. 

To maintain your strength and stamina, it’s helpful to think of self-care as putting on your oxygen mask first. Make it a priority to get enough sleep, eat right, exercise, and take time to recharge.  

Understandably, caregivers frequently report there’s simply not enough time or energy left for self-care. However, this can end up taking a toll on caregivers and increases their risk of developing depression, anxiety, and other health concerns. 

If you’re feeling anxious, tearful, lonely, detached from others, or engaging in unhealthy coping strategies, it’s important to reach out for help.  

Employee Assistance Programs can be an excellent resource for managing the many different challenges related to caregiving. For example: 

  • Mental health sessions can help you address the personal challenges you’re facing in caring for your loved one. 
  • Medical advocacy can help you navigate insurance, secure medical equipment, and plan for transitional care and discharge. 
  • Work-life referrals can help you obtain special needs support and community resources. 

If you have an AllOne Health Assistance Program and would like to request services, please contact Member Support.