AllOne Health Invites You to Join Us in Leading the Scene by Going Green

We are excited to roll out this new, PAPERLESS, technology which will improve our processes, reduce waste and save you precious time! We believe that the consistent utilization of PROVIDERfiles is the next step in making our process more efficient for everybody – oh, and did we mention, its paperless! No more snail mail, tracking, or faxing! Everything you need is just a click away!
Please follow these simple steps to get started:
  1. Use the “Log In or Register” link below.
  2. Register by clicking “Register” from the login page.
    • Username = the email address used to receive this communication
    • Password = create a password of your choice (passwords are case sensitive)
  3. Please save your password when your system asks if you want to save – this eliminates having to reset your password should you forget it.
Here’s what you need to know once you are registered:
  • You will receive an e-mail from notifying you of a new referral pending.
  • Respond electronically to the referral (within 24 hours of notification).
  • When the case is “Accepted”, our client will call you directly to schedule.
  • You can keep your client intake forms, clinical notes, Statement of Understanding, HIPAA privacy notices with your own client filing system. (AOH has provided these forms located within the client’s file if you would like to use them for your client charts).
  • When you’re ready to submit a session, click on the “View” link in your Open Files, and select the “Sessions” tab, enter in session information and SUBMIT. (it’s that simple)
  • You will then be reimbursed within 30 days of us receiving your submitted session.
  • Once the client has completed their EAP benefit, select the CLOSING DETAILS tab in the client’s file, enter in the “Close Date” and the information below that and submit.
Please note: If registering for Direct Deposit, please fill out the EAP ACH Application here and submit once complete.

We are thrilled to continue our partnership with your practice and would like to take a moment to thank you for your continued relationship with AllOne Health and our family of EAP companies. We are fortunate to have partnered with such a great team of EAP professionals and to be able to provide quality service to our clients and organizations. We are confident that you will enjoy the benefits of going paperless with us!

For any questions, please reach out to our Affiliate Network Management Team (ANMT) at for further assistance.

Thank you for joining us in this effort!