National Recovery Month

August 31, 2023

By Cheryl Lucas, LPC, NCC, ICADC, Clinical Manager for AllOne Health and Substance Abuse Professional

September is National Recovery Month, a national observance that started in 1989 and is held every September to celebrate and educate Americans about recovery from substance use and mental health issues. Recovery Month promotes and supports evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation’s recovery community, the service providers, and communities who make recovery possible. Recovery Month focuses on increasing public awareness that behavioral health is essential to overall health, prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover. The theme for this year’s 32nd Recovery Month is: “Recovery is for Everyone Every Person, Every Family, Every Community.”

Recovery Month provides a vehicle for everyone to celebrate the gains and transformations made by those in recovery, as well as to encourage those who are struggling with substance use, other addictive behaviors, and mental health disorders, to seek professional help.

There are many success stories of recovery, but unfortunately, many stories of lives lost to this cunning and baffling disease of addiction. By reducing and hopefully one day eliminating the stigma associated with these illnesses, people need not feel ashamed to seek help. There is unconditional support available that will help them to feel hopeful, believe in themselves, become empowered, and assist them in establishing a recovery lifestyle.

National Recovery Month Timeline Acknowledges Strides Made Throughout History:

The Alcoholic Mutual Aid Society is the first known aid for addicts’ recovery, with sobriety circles providing early recovery.

Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob, recovering alcoholics, form Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and publish the “Big Book of AA.”

American Medical Association recognizes alcoholism as a disease.

Buprenorphine is approved by the F.D.A., a medication-assisted treatment, for clinical use for opioid addiction.

The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 mandates insurance companies and group health plans to provide mental health and substance use treatment and services with the same benefits as other medical care.

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, other addictions, or mental health issues, please reach out to the following free and confidential support resources:
