Driving Positive Change by Nurturing the Mind-Body-Connection 

January 06, 2025

Whatever your goals and ambitions are for the year ahead, your Assistance Program is here to help—with an array of support and services that can help strengthen all aspects of your health and life. 

Our whole health approach recognizes the importance of the mind-body connection—and how your mind (thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, moods, and emotions) influences your body (chemistry and biology)—and vice versa, both positively and negatively.  

For instance, chronic stress or negative emotions can lead to physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, or even weakened immunity. Meanwhile, physical activity and proper nutrition can enhance your mood and bring mental clarity. 

By nurturing the mind-body connection, you can create a positive feedback loop, where one aspect of your health influences the others, making you stronger overall—and more resilient. 

Here are a few ways you can nurture and strengthen your mind-body connection and drive positive change in the year ahead: 

  • Consider mental health support. Mental health counseling can help you manage stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. You can also learn about mindfulness and relaxation techniques, which can help you reduce stress and its impact on your physical health. 
  • Maintain social relationships. Strong social ties reduce stress, boost resilience, and promote a sense of belonging, all of which contribute to your overall health. Conversely, social isolation can increase your risk of mental health challenges and physical illnesses. 
  • Improve your diet and exercise. Physical activity is known for boosting your mood, while a balanced diet helps fuel the brain and body, stabilizing energy and improving emotional regulation. 
  • Address your financial and legal concerns. Your Assistance Program provides easy access to financial consultations related to budgeting, buying a home, paying off debt, and saving for retirement or tuition. You can also receive referrals for personal legal concerns, such as estate planning, wills, real estate, bankruptcy, and divorce-related issues. 
  • Strengthen your home life. Your Assistance Program can help you improve your work-life balance by helping you receive referrals for childcare, adoption, special needs support, eldercare, and more.  

If you’d like additional support, contact your Assistance Program. Services are free, confidential, and available to you and your family members. You can access them 24/7 by visiting Member Support.