Promoting Workplace Wellness During the Holidays

Promoting workplace wellness is key to producing a healthier, more productive work environment. By emphasizing employee health and well-being, organizations can create a supportive workplace that attracts, engages, and retains talented employees.

However, the holiday season that runs from Thanksgiving through the New Year often creates additional stressors stemming from added family responsibilities and end-of-year work demands.

To build a healthy and productive workplace culture this holiday season, consider the following tips:

Communicate routinely with employees. Providing regular feedback and promoting collaboration can help employees manage end-of-year workloads, increase productivity, and boost morale.

Encourage employees to use their paid time off. Some people think it’s better to work through stressful periods, but it is often more beneficial when employees take a breather and recharge their batteries. Promoting time off and work-life balance is a healthy practice.

Let employees take longer breaks for walks or exercise. Being active helps to reduce stress and keep the winter blues at bay.

Consider new ways to hold meetings. Break up the monotony and build engagement during the winter months by holding offsite meetings that include coffee or lunch. Or consider holding walking meetings.

Promote community involvement. Volunteering or raising money for community charity events enables employees to make a positive difference, which helps lift morale. 

Be empathic and flexible when listening to your employees’ concerns. Promote kindness and collaboration. These supportive behaviors go a long way in boosting good cheer throughout the holidays and into the New Year.

If you are interested in exploring enhanced wellness program offerings and options for your organization, visit the AllOne Health Wellness page.

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