How Your Assistance Program Supports Whole Family Care

Whole family care is an approach to care that recognizes how the health and well-being of each family member can influence the health and well-being of the entire family unit.  

The goal of whole family care is to create a supportive environment that promotes the overall health and well-being of individual family members, leading to better outcomes for all.  

Life transitions, challenging relationships, and coping with loss or change can have a far-reaching impact, taking a toll on individual family members and the family as a whole.  

Here are some examples of when whole family care, including family therapy, could be the preferred approach:

  • Child and teen behavioral concerns. Is your child having trouble at school, struggling to control their emotions, having trouble making friends, experiencing bullying, showing signs of substance abuse, a mental health concern, or an eating disorder? 
  • Struggles with your marriage or partner. Studies show that when adult relationships struggle or end, children also experience the impact. Family therapy can help partners communicate better, diagnose and address the underlying concerns, and develop a strategy to reduce tensions and ease family discord. 
  • Conflicts in raising children. Parents may have different parenting styles—and these differences can cause conflict among family members. Family therapy can help partners address favoritism, develop consistency regarding rules, expectations, and discipline, and define appropriate communication and emotional support. 
  • Coping with common life challenges. During a lifetime, families may experience the death of a close family member, a change in employment or financial status, a natural disaster, a criminal attack, or conflicts with friends, neighbors, or extended family members. 

Your Assistance Program provides resources and referrals to you and your family members, including access to family therapy. Our intake specialists can guide you and your family to appropriate care. Services are free, confidential, and accessible 24/7. To learn more, visit Member Support.  
