Recognizing the Differences Between Healthy and Unhealthy Stress

college students studying in the library

It’s helpful to recognize that some types of stress are positive—while others are negative. Healthy stresses can motivate and energize you to learn new things, become more productive, and grow personally and professionally.  

However, prolonged and unmanageable stress can become detrimental to your overall health and wellness—to the point that impacts your ability to manage everyday life. 

As you confront the challenges of the semester ahead, it helps to strengthen yourself by incorporating the following strategies:  

1. Take care of your physical health 

Yes, you’re busier now than ever. While it’s tempting to pull all-nighters, abuse caffeine, and skip exercise and healthy meals, these behaviors can negatively impact your mental and emotional health. To set yourself up for success, follow a basic routine that includes time for healthy eating, sleeping, and regular physical activity. These basics can sustain you in the weeks ahead—and help manage long-term stress. 

2. Keep things in perspective, especially your grades 

While it’s important to do well academically, try to avoid becoming so focused on grades that it interferes with your physical or emotional health. Students cope better when they can look beyond their immediate GPA and view the larger world around them. Taking short breaks by engaging in social or leisure activities can help you remain balanced. 

3. Manage your time 

Spend some time now getting organized and prepared for the priorities ahead. Write out a to-do list and break down large projects into small manageable steps. Study frequently and in small doses, so you can retain information and avoid cramming. Before an exam, try to squeeze in some quiet time to clear your mind. 

4. Reach out for support 

If your stress seems unmanageable, reaching out to friends, parents, and even teachers can be very effective. Your Assistance Program is also a valuable resource. Services are free, confidential, and available 24/7. To learn more, visit Member Support
